Trauma Repair/Reconstruction

Jessie P.

“I only have great things to say about the office and staff. They listened to my issue and were able to suggest the best of procedures to me. I’m glad that I’ve made my appointment.”

Catherine D.

“Everyone was welcoming, accommodating and informative. I was able to see the doctor on my scheduled time slot! Thank you doctor and staff for giving me a warm welcome.”

  • Trauma to the face often results in broken bones around the eye or damage to the eye itself
  • As oculoplastic surgeons, our doctors are uniquely qualified to address the eyeball as well as the bones and soft tissue around the eye
  • We offer minimally invasive surgery to correct orbit fractures using the most modern techniques available

Because we are board certified Ophthalmologists trained in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, we are the only specialty uniquely qualified to evaluate and reconstruct the eye, eyelids, eye socket and surrounding structures after trauma.

Trauma to the eye, eyelids, orbit and facial bones can occur due to a myriad of causes. Not uncommonly, motor vehicle accidents are the cause in many patients. Penetrating trauma to the periocular structures can be due to bullet wounds, stab wounds, arrow wounds and many other sharp and blunt objects. Trauma to the periocular structures is not uncommonly associated with injury to the eye, facial bones, brain, chest and abdomen.

The soft tissues of the eyelids are easily damaged in many trauma patients. It is not uncommon for the lacrimal gland which lies under the upper outer eyelid to be injured. In addition, the muscles which open and close the eyelid, the tarsal plate (a collagenous structure which provides a framework for the eyelid), the tear drainage system and the extraocular muscles can be easily damaged. Repair of these injuries is achieved anatomically and is individualized to the patient.

The bones of the orbit (eye socket) are not infrequently broken with blunt or penetrating trauma to the head and face. The thinnest bones in the face are the floor and medial wall of the orbit. When fractured, these bones can “trap” the soft tissue in the orbit and cause double vision, a sunken appearance to the eye and numbness to the cheek. More severe trauma can fracture the bones of the forehead and cheek which can impair visual function and cause loss of vision, double vision and painful movements of the eye. It is common to wait several days from the time of injury to repair to allow soft tissue swelling to resolve.

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